Lift Off! ChamberCares: Caring for Our Healthcare Workers & First Responders
Learn more about ChamberCares and How You Can Help!
Members and Supporters,
The Chamber is launching ChamberCares: Caring for Our Healthcare Workers & First Responders. Our healthcare workers and first responders are literally putting their lives on the line every day during this crisis. Let's show our appreciation to them by making sure they have plenty to eat!
ChamberCares helps connect need with supply. Our generous Chamber members are providing a way to support our healthcare workers and first responders on the front lines. What do they need? Food!
Check out our ChamberCares page and our participating members.
How Can You Help?
Do you know a healthcare worker or first responder putting it all on the line during this crisis?
Order food from any of our members through the links below and support these heroes in our community. Your generous purchase not only helps healthcare workers and first responders but it also helps our Chamber Member restaurants during this crisis. Win-Win! It's easy! You can place your order and let the restaurant know where you want the food delivered.
Don't know a healthcare worker(s) or first responder? We've made it easy! Just indicate to deliver your order to Chamber Member, Legacy Community Health. Legacy is on the frontlines supporting the community during this crisis through COVID-19 testing.
Use Your Network to Push Out ChamberCares!
Can you help us get the word out about ChamberCares?
- Please share out posts on social media from the Chamber's social media channels. Use the following hashtags:
#ChamberCares #ChamberCaresHOU #ChamberCaresSupportLocal
#SupportLocal #ChamberCaresHealthcareWorkers
#ChamberCaresFirstResponders #HealthcareWorkers #FirstResponders
#LGBTBiz #LGBTAlliedBiz #TexasLGBTChambers
- Post a message about your donation on social media! Let us know about your good deed and help us promote the campaign through your generosity. Tag the Chamber!
Thank you to our Chamber Members below for participating in the ChamberCares: Caring for Our Healthcare Workers & First Responders ' effort and for your support.
We are proud to partner with our sister LGBT Chambers in Austin, North Texas and San Antonio on the ChamberCares campaign. Learn more about ChamberCares and how you can place your order to support healthcare workers or first responders. Thank you for helping us make a difference!
Tammi Wallace
Co-Founder & Board Chair
Click here to read more about the announcement.