Op-Ed: 'Shop Small' a Big Deal for Small Business Owners
Small Business Saturday critical to 600,000 small companies in region
Saturday, November 24, 2018 is Small Business Saturday® – please join me and support the over 600,000 small businesses in Houston and Southeast Texas that employ many of your friends and neighbors and have helped our area achieve a 3.8% unemployment rate.
Our Nation has been celebrating Small Business Saturday® since 2010, and it continues to grow year-after-year. Last year, an estimated 108 million nationwide consumers shopped on Small Business Saturday® and 90% of all consumers have said that it has had a positive impact on their community.
Do your part with these six simple steps:
- Commit to making at least one purchase from a locally-owned small business retailer. Get to know the owner. Your purchase can be even more meaningful when you share the owner’s story with your loved ones.
- After a day of shopping, continue to support small business by dining at your favorite small business restaurant, coffee shop or watering hole.
- Enjoy the experience. Travel outside your comfort zone -- and away from your computer screen -- to discover an out-of-the ordinary shopping district with some trendy local stores.
- Join the conversation on social media, using the hashtags #SmallBizSat and #ShopSmall to amplify your support. If you find a great small business, Tweet or Facebook or Instagram your find so others can enjoy it too.
- When you open your gifts, start a conversation about which one came from the most distinctive and creative sellers. This can make for great debate over egg nog or your holiday drink of choice.
- If you’re a business owner, make sure you’re prepared for the holiday season by checking out helpful advice at http://www.sba.gov/saturday.
Join me in supporting and driving Small Business Saturday® until the sun goes down on Saturday, Nov. 24 in the Houston-Galveston Regional Area. And remember that “shop small” refers to whom you buy from, and not how much you buy!
Tim Jeffcoat serves as the SBA’s Houston District Director and oversees the agency’s programs and services in 32 Texas counties which include Harris, Galveston, Brazoria, Fort Bend, Waller, Montgomery, Liberty and Chambers counties.