SBA Size Standards
SBA Size Standards
Did you know that approximately 99.5% of all US businesses are considered 'small' by the US Small Business Administration? These businesses are eligible for free business advisors and mentors, training, super competitive business loan terms, access to federal contracts and surplus equipment, and more.
The SBA has expanded the definition of businesses considered to be 'small'. With this expansion, an extra 59,000+ firms across sixteen North American Industrial Classification System (NAICS) sectors are now considered small!
Read more from the SBA Houston District Office below about the revised small business size standards and helpful links.
If you are small, reap the benefits of the many SBA programs available to help your business grow and prosper! Check out the helpful links below.
Helpful Links
- Table of size standards (sba.gov)
- Contracting guide (sba.gov)
- Finding local SBA Resource Partners: Get local assistance (sba.gov)
- Procurement Technical Assistance Center: UH PTAC - Home
- SBA Revises Small Business Size Standards in 16 Industrial Sectors to Increase Eligibility for Its Federal Contracting and Loan Programs
The Chamber is proud to call the U.S. Small Business Administration a Strategic Partner. We have been collaborating with the SBA since the Chamber launched to support Chamber members.