NGLCC LGBT Sip & Pitch Fridays
Friday, October 30, 2020 (2:00 PM - 5:00 PM) (CDT)
Friday, October 30
2:00 - 5:00 p.m. CDT
The National LGBT Chamber of Commerce (NGLCC) invites you to take advantage of what we do best: bring business leaders together and create new relationships. Even in this time of social distancing, virtual meetings allow us to be closer than ever. NGLCC brings together LGBT business owners, local affiliate members and corporate procurement experts.
Sip & Pitch is a chance to informally present your business to a panel of experts and your fellow business owners for positive, constructive feedback and new ideas. If you have a 5 minute (or less) presentation with all the bells and whistles: great! If not: that’s great, too! Simply bring your “elevator pitch” and any messaging you’d like to work on with our experts. This is an open forum! Although these are mock pitches, these programs are a tremendous opportunity for NGLCC community businesses to enjoy:
No-cost constructive feedback to help you improve your pitch, whether a casual elevator pitch, coordinated matchmaking opportunity, or formal pitch for upcoming RFPs
Judgment-free, safe-space for you to practice your pitch. Everyone in the room wants to help you succeed and share best practices
See and be seen by representatives from NGLCC Corporate Partners and fellow Certified LGBTBE® companies seeking your goods & services. Participation is a great way to build relationships with key buyers and strategic partners while presenting to a national audience eager to see your innovations
Learn what other NGLCC Certified LGBTBE® suppliers do. You will likely be amazed to hear what some of your fellow NGLCC members are up to which could lead to ways for you to work together
Remember: You do not need to present a pitch to join the event!
Do you have a pitch to present? Click here to apply!
Check out more about Sip & Pitch Fridays on YouTube

Business Networking
Business Education