NGLCC Webinar: Adjusting Your Anchors: Regaining Stability and Control in the Age of COVID-19
Wednesday, April 29, 2020 (1:00 PM - 2:00 PM) (CDT)
As a part of NGLCC’s ongoing commitment to keep our LGBT and allied business community strong and connected to resources during this uncertain time, they have announced the new NGLCC Webinar Wednesdays series, as well as additional online learning opportunities.
Adjusting Your Anchors: Regaining Stability and Control in the Age of COVID-19
Presented by: Brian Gorman
To register for this event, CLICK HERE
Not that many weeks ago the coronavirus wasn't in any organization's strategic plan; nor was it a part of anyone's personal or family planning. Today it is affecting virtually every part of each of our personal and professional lives. During times of relative stability, we each rely on our own ""anchors"" to provide us with a sense of security and stability. These generally consist of a series of beliefs, a number of different people, various things, and a set of activities. With the coronavirus many of these anchors have been suddenly torn away or significantly shifted.
After introducing the anchors concept, participants break into small groups to begin the process of applying anchors thinking to the anchors changes that they need to make in their personal life. They will leave the webinar having started their personal anchors work and will also have an individual anchors guide and template to both guide your own work and to share with family, friends and colleagues. At the conclusion of the webinar participants are also provided with a guide and template for bringing the anchors work to their businesses and/or work teams.
For additional webinars including those presented by NGLCC Corporate Partners and affiliate organizations, click here: www.nglcc.org/webinars
Interested in presenting a webinar or online workshop? Learn more at nglcc.org/webinars | CLICK HERE TO SUBMIT