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Chamber Condemns Action to Remove Protections for LGBTQ Texans
Discrimination against LGBTQ Texans has no place in our state
HOUSTON, TX (October 26, 2020) – The Greater Houston LGBT Chamber of Commerce denounces the actions by the Texas State Board of Social Worker Examiners and Behavioral Health Executive Council to remove from the social work Code of Conduct a prohibition on discrimination against clients because of their sexual orientation, gender identity or gender expression.
“Stripping away these protections for LGBTQ+ is Texans is deplorable. This action is another example of where the leadership of our state grants a license to discriminate, said Tammi Wallace (she|her), Co-Founder and President & CEO of the Greater Houston LGBT Chamber of Commerce. “LGBTQ and Allied Texans have said it thousands of times before, session after session, hearing after hearing, that discrimination has no place in our state. Anti-LGBTQ rhetoric or discriminatory regulations or legislation, and especially coming from the leadership in our state, is bad for the State of Texas, bad for our economy, and, in this case, detrimental to the most vulnerable Texans.”
Texas continues to suffer the repercussions of anti-LGBTQ legislation including from the “bathroom bill” and an image of a discriminatory and anti-LGBTQ state. States that attack and discriminate against the LGBTQ community have seen an economic hit in areas such as in tourism because companies are saying no to anti-LGBTQ discrimination, racial discrimination and any other form of discrimination that hurts Texans. This disgraceful action shows that the leadership in Texas is not putting Texas or Texans first.
“This vote by the Texas state board of Social Work Examiners to remove protections for the LGBTQ+ community, and those with disabilities is abhorrent. This goes against everything the social work creed stands for and social workers are the longest standing code of ethics in mental health, drafted by the NASW in 1960,” said Chamber Member, Dr. James S. Flowers (he|him), Ph.D, with J. Flowers Health Institute. “This doesn't only go against the practice of Social work; it goes against the value of dignity and worth which are inherent of a human being. For anybody to legalize or legislate that people, a human being, are inherently less than is just a slap in the face of social work and society as a whole.”
Discrimination against LGBTQ Texans has no place in our state. This action, questionable as to whether proper protocol and laws were followed and usurping of the Legislature, must be immediately rescinded and these protections reinstated.
About the Greater Houston LGBT Chamber of Commerce
Established in February 2016, the Greater Houston LGBT Chamber of Commerce’s mission is to accelerate economic opportunity for the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer + (LGBTQ+) business community through a strong network of business allies, innovative programs, strategic partnerships and advance policies that foster economic inclusion and equality.
Additional Info
Media Contact : Tammi Wallace / 713-301-2266 /