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Chamber Supports All in for Equality Advocacy Day at the Texas Capitol
The Greater Houston LGBT Chamber of Commerce and the Texas LGBTQ Chambers of Commerce signed onto the LGBTQIA+ Serving Organizations and Ally Sign-on Letter, promoted by Equality Texas.
HOUSTON, TX (March 2, 2023) – The Greater Houston LGBT Chamber of Commerce and the Texas LGBTQ Chambers of Commerce signed onto the LGBTQIA+ Serving Organizations and Ally Sign-on Letter, promoted by Equality Texas.
LGBTQIA+ Serving Organizations and Ally Sign-on Letter
Across our races, backgrounds, and genders, we all want to be treated with dignity and respect. But today, certain politicians are pushing laws that restrict our freedoms because of the color of our skin, what's in our wallets, or because we are LGBTQIA+. They exploit divisions and fears among us so they can get and hold onto power, denying us the basic rights, resources, respect, and safety all people deserve.
Since 2020, opponents of equality have pursued a nationally coordinated strategy to spread disinformation and fear about the LGBTQIA+ community, particularly transgender people. These attacks are meant to stoke fear about LGBTQIA+ people and perpetuate stigma. This stigma fuels identity-based harassment, bullying, discrimination, violence, rejection, and assault of LGBTQIA+ individuals. For transgender people specifically, stigma and vigilante hysteria has led to the fortification of barriers that have made access to adequate housing, jobs, healthcare, and identity documents nearly impossible.
We, the signers of this letter, as organizations who serve Texas and the nation oppose anti-LGBTQIA+ extremist efforts to invalidate the existence of our neighbors. LGBTQIA+ people are our siblings, teachers, faith leaders, youth, employees and more. They are part of the fabric of this state and contribute to its richness. Attempts to villainize the LGBTQIA+ community do not align with true Texas values of friendship, family, and community. We believe each one of us should have the freedom to define ourselves, pursue our dreams, make private family decisions without government intrusion, and have a good and happy life — without exceptions.
We envision a state where LGBTQIA+ Texans can visibly live, work, contribute to our communities, and access crucial resources that allow them to thrive.
Texans deserve lawmakers who represent us all and grant us the dignity and respect we deserve. We deserve lawmakers who will focus on efforts to improve our lives. We deserve a fair shot at prosperity, access to the health care, safe and affirming public schools, and active community support to access vital resources that allow us to thrive.
In addition, the Texas LGBTQ Chambers of Commerce is a contributing partner for the All in for Equality Advocacy Day at the Texas Capitol, which will be held on March 20, 2023 at the Texas State Capitol. The advocacy day is hosted by Equality Texas and other organizations. Learn more here. Chamber Members and Supporters are encouraged to participate in the advocacy day.
Learn more about the advocacy work of the Greater Houston LGBT Chamber of Commerce here.
About the Greater Houston LGBT Chamber of Commerce
The Greater Houston LGBT Chamber of Commerce accelerates economic opportunity for the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer + (LGBTQ+) business community through a strong network of business allies, innovative programs, strategic partnerships and advance policies that foster economic inclusion and equality. Learn more at
About the Texas LGBTQ Chambers of Commerce
The Texas Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender Queer (LGBTQ) Chambers of Commerce is a coalition of the Austin LGBT Chamber of Commerce, Greater Houston LGBT Chamber of Commerce, North Texas LGBT Chamber of Commerce, and San Antonio LGBT Chamber of Commerce. We work to achieve equality and inclusion by promoting economic vitality in our communities and strengthening LGBTQ and ally businesses. Learn more at
Additional Info
Media Contact : Tammi Wallace | Cell: 713-301-2266 |