Media Room

Statement from the Greater Houston LGBT Chamber on El Tiempo Matter
"The Greater Houston LGBT Chamber of Commerce is deeply disappointed by the actions of the El Tiempo restaurant chain on Friday after a visit at one of their locations from U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions.
We do not believe El Tiempo should have turned away Mr. Sessions, but we do take issue with the restaurant so vigorously celebrating his visit on social media. El Tiempo management should have considered the implications of its post on its patrons, many of whom are part of the LGBTQ and other minority communities which Mr. Sessions’ Justice Department has repeatedly targeted with its policies. By saying they were 'honored' to serve the Attorney General, they effectively dishonored many of their most loyal customers who are negatively impacted by these policies.
Businesses that rely on our community must not be ignorant of the issues important to us. We encourage the community to use the Chamber Directory to seek out LGBTQ-owned and allied businesses that support LGBTQ equality, value the patronage of the community and reflect this in both their words and deeds.”
Additional Info
Media Contact : Tammi Wallace (she|her|hers) / 713-301-2266/