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Texas LGBT Chambers Unite Against Anti-LGBT Legislation
The Coalition of Texas Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender (LGBT) Chambers of Commerce; Austin Gay & Lesbian Chamber of Commerce, Greater Houston LGBT Chamber of Commerce, North Texas GLBT Chamber of Commerce, and San Antonio LGBT Chamber of Commerce, representing nearly 800 member/employers oppose SB6 and all proposed legislation that discriminates against any Texan.
Along with our partners at the National Gay & Lesbian Chamber of Commerce (NGLCC), Texas Association of Business, Equality Texas, Keep Texas Open for Business, leading corporations, and business/tourism associations, we recognize SB6, the “Texas Privacy Act” as nothing more than legislated discrimination against the transgender community.
In spite of its purposely deceptive name, the Texas Privacy Act is legislated discrimination. Its purpose is to further marginalize the transgender community under the guise of protecting women and children from bathroom predators. While this proposed legislation does nothing to protect potential victims from predators it does place transgender Texans at risk. Trans and gender non-conforming people are far more likely to be victims of violence and harassment in restrooms than they are to be perpetrators.
SB6 and similar discriminatory legislation are bad for business, bad for our members, and bad for Texas. A recent economic impact study commissioned by the Texas Association of Business estimated Texas could lose up to 185,000 jobs if SB6 were to become law. In addition, $8.5 billion in GDP could be lost. Forbes estimates North Carolina has lost $630 Million due to HB2, their hastily enacted bathroom bill. NFL spokesman, Brian McCarthy, told the Houston Chronicle, “If a proposal that is discriminatory or inconsistent with our values were to become law (in Texas), that would certainly be a factor considered when thinking about awarding future events.”
The Coalition of Texas LGBT Chambers serve the four of the top ten fastest growing metro areas in the country—Austin, Dallas/Ft. Worth, Houston and San Antonio. Our communities need funding for education and workforce development, improvements to infrastructure and transportation, and much more. What we don’t need are instructions on using a restroom.